Our Services
We’re celebrating a remarkable achievement – 100 years of helping our clients take charge of their freight spend. Every day, we save our clients money by uncovering incorrect charges and duplicate invoices, and making recommendations to help them save even more.
As an extension of your business, we take our responsibilities very seriously. We review every invoice, match it against a bill of lading number and negotiated carrier rates and identify anything that is out of line. We follow up with carriers to ensure errors are corrected. If requested, we pay carriers on your behalf and only what they are due. And, we provide the information your team members need to effectively manage your transportation function.
For your finance department…
Our rigorous auditing and accounting practices ensure freight costs are properly charged and allocated. We summarize this information in reports created especially for your finance department, showing invoice number, ship date, paid date, and general ledger allocation codes such as product line, department, carrier and customer. And we can even provide a file you can import into your system.
For your transportation and logistics departments…
In addition to the above, we provide your logistics team with data and reports on shipping patterns and associated costs, including: carrier name, bill of lading or purchase order number, cost of transporting goods, accessorial charges (fuel surcharge, waiting time, appointment delivery, dangerous goods, etc.), origin and destination; drop ship locations; actual weight; cube weight; customer or supplier name; transfer between locations and/or warehouses; and any other industry-specific fields clients require.
Contact Us
To find out about a DTA solution that’s right for your business please complete and return this form.
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DTA Services Ltd. will not use your name and contact information for any purpose other than to respond to your request. We will not sell or provide your information to any third party.
© 2022 DTA Services Ltd. All rights reserved. / DTA Services Ltée. Tous droits réservés.
DTA Services Ltd.
505 Consumers Road, Suite 600
Toronto, Ontario M2J 4V8